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Nov 11, 2008
Shouldn't be a problem at all.
by: Joe Walsh

I was searching the web because I have a similar problem to you, however, mine is much more severe. I have four violent criminal charges in which one resulted in me being imprisoned. Im not a violent person either, well maybe i was but they were all result of irresponsible drinking and immature adolescent attitude. I have since achieved a psychological degree and unsurprisingly I am finding it extremely difficult to get into mental health. I have no arguements about this because rightly so employers have to be cautious when employing people to work with vulnerable adults. I am currently working at a factory banging wood in a skip part-time, while on the four days off i religiously carry on my reading and improving myself. Hopefully soon i will be doing volunteer work to prove i'm not a dangerous character and i give myself about 6 to 10 years of this before I get that chance. The point I am trying to make is that look at it from their perspective, what you did was so very minor. Nobody is perfect, it is just unfortunate that you got caught doing something wrong that most have done. If I can keep my chin up so can you. Good luck.

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